== COFFEE HINTS & FACTOIDS PAGE == (Clicking this Link will exit this Section and take you to the Kitchen Main Index - Use your search engine “Back” button to return here)   JUMP TO RECIPE PICTURES == COWBOY CAMPFIRE COFFEE == TURKISH COFFEE ==
There are multitudes of different Coffees served in this world. ALL are good - some are just better than others. Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain Coffea species. The seeds are nearly always roasted, a process which transforms them into a consumable product: roasted coffee, which is ground into fine particles that are typically steeped in hot water before being filtered out, producing a cup of coffee. Coffee is darkly colored, bitter, slightly acidic and because of caffeine, has a stimulating effect in humans,  it is one of the most popular drinks in the world. The degree of roast has an effect upon coffee flavor and body. Darker roasts are generally bolder because they have less fiber content and a more sugary flavor. Lighter roasts have a more complex and therefore perceived stronger flavor from aromatic oils and acids that are destroyed by longer roasting times.
In   no   event   shall   RonK’s   Kitchen,   its   affiliates   and   its   third   party   providers   be   liable   to   you   or   any   third   parties   for   any illness   or   damages   of   any   kind,   direct   or   indirect,   arising   out   of,   or   in   any   way   connected   with,   your   use   of   the   information or   recipes   provided   on,   or   accessed   through,   this   website.   Service   provider,   its   affiliates   and   its   third   party   providers disclaim   any   liability,   loss   or   obligation   in   connection   with   the   content   provided   on   this   website.   This   website,   and   the recipes   and   information   on   this   website,   are   provided   strictly   "as   is"   and   without   warranty   of   any   kind,   and   should   not   be construed   in   any   way   as   medical   advice   or   instruction.   Consult   the   appropriate   health   professionals   before   using   any   of   the recipes or information on this website. Your use of quality ingredients and safe cooking practices are your responsibility.
== COFFEE HINTS & FACTOIDS PAGE == (Clicking this Link will exit this Section and take you to the Kitchen Main Index - Use your search engine “Back” button to return here)   JUMP TO RECIPE PICTURES == COWBOY CAMPFIRE COFFEE == TURKISH COFFEE ==
There are multitudes of different Coffees served in this world. ALL are good - some are just better than others. Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain Coffea species. The seeds are nearly always roasted, a process which transforms them into a consumable product: roasted coffee, which is ground into fine particles that are typically steeped in hot water before being filtered out, producing a cup of coffee. Coffee is darkly colored, bitter, slightly acidic and because of caffeine, has a stimulating effect in humans.  it is one of the most popular drinks in the world, The degree of roast has an effect upon coffee flavor and body. Darker roasts are generally bolder because they have less fiber content and a more sugary flavor. Lighter roasts have a more complex and therefore perceived stronger flavor from aromatic oils and acids that are destroyed by longer roasting times.
In   no   event   shall   RonK’s   Kitchen,   its   affiliates   and   its   third   party   providers   be   liable   to   you   or   any   third   parties   for   any   illness   or damages   of   any   kind,   direct   or   indirect,   arising   out   of,   or   in   any   way   connected   with,   your   use   of   the   information   or   recipes provided   on,   or   accessed   through,   this   website.   Service   provider,   its   affiliates   and   its   third   party   providers   disclaim   any liability,   loss   or   obligation   in   connection   with   the   content   provided   on   this   website.   This   website,   and   the   recipes   and information   on   this   website,   are   provided   strictly   "as   is"   and   without   warranty   of   any   kind,   and   should   not   be   construed   in   any way   as   medical   advice   or   instruction.   Consult   the   appropriate   health   professionals   before   using   any   of   the   recipes   or information on this website. Your use of quality ingredients and safe cooking practices are your responsibility.